







Evolution of technology is going to change people's lives and values.



Technology has made life convenient, provided fresh and safe products, eased information and material flow, and shortened the distance around the world. For example, we use the Internet when shopping online, receiving services, contacting friends and family, and getting information you want to know. Therefore, the day is getting closer that our life could work out without going outside. In such an era, our company works hard to create environment where people go outside, touch nature, have personal interactions, and enjoy meaningful daily life. 





Feeling Design


The existence of real stores have been threatened by the online shopping development. Our company provides shop designs in which customers cannot experience through the online shopping. It appeals to human senses such as smell, touch, and realistic sensations that cannot be communicated via screens.

2/  繫がるデザイン


 人は独りでは生きて行けません、他人と言葉を交わし、時には笑い、刺激を受けながら生活しています。もちろん人とかかわることでストレスに繋がることもありますが、ほどほどの距離があって、思いやりのある関係が築けたらどんなに良いでしょう、私どもは人と人とがストレスなく繫がり合えるような場を提供出来たらと考えています。 それは、ひと言で言うと優しさが伝わるデザイン、優しさは人々に伝わり、そして伝染して行きます。そう信じています。



Connecting Design


The vast majority of people are not independent. They enjoy social interactions with other people. We design spaces that promote a stress free and supportive environment that allows for good and harmonious interactions between people and staff. We believe our designs promote a congenial environment that leaves the customers relaxed and happy. And that in turn, spreads out into the greater society.  

 3/  成長するデザイン




Growing Design


With the dizzying pace of the changing times, gathering places should change to keep pace with the changing times. Although there is an idea that it is dare to make things that do not change even if the times change, but we aim for a design that can grow as time goes on. It is not to make everything, like make margins or to not get new trend too much. Our job finds what we need to change or not.

4/  余韻の残るデザイン




Staying Design


There are many different settings in people's daily life. We can be places where we spend time with our family or a lover, milestones in our life, or moments that make you want to post them on your blog. Through design, we want to help you add colors to those memorable moments.